Intelligent ideas to increase competitive ability

The consistent development of evolutions and revolutions is the foundation of Strothmann’s continued success. Our approach is the early identification of new technologies for consistent further development of our systems. Our aim: to increase our customers’ competitive ability. Our ideas range from improvements in details to fundamental new developments.

Promoting innovations
Our network partners for education and research

Education, research, and innovations are indispensable for a modern industrialized country such as Germany to hold its position in the competitive international market. It is our company philosophy to contribute to these endeavors.

OWL Maschinenbau: High-Performance Region for Mechanical Engineering

The innovation network OWL MASCHINENBAU was created to strengthen the economic and technological performance of the mechanical engineering region Ostwestfalen-Lippe in international competition. With 272 companies and more than 42,000 employees, mechanical engineering is one of the traditional core competencies of the region. The industry, which mainly consists of small and medium-sized enterprises, meets the challenges of increasing globalisation and accelerated technological change through new kinds of collaboration.

  • Strengthening the economic and technological potential of mechanical engineering SMEs in the region
  • Advancing the advantages of the location for the companies competing in the global market
  • Preserving companies for long-term stabilisation of the employment market

it's OWL: The Technology Network

The it’s OWL technology network is a collaboration of 174 cluster partners that aims to redefine the strength of Germany as an industrial base. In 45 projects, world market leaders collaborate with research institutes to develop intelligent products and production systems that make your life easier. These are user-friendly, resource-efficient and reliable. The projects make an important contribution to the long-term stabilisation of Germany as a high-tech industry location. This is supported by an unparalleled Leading-Edge Cluster that has been awarded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research.

VDMA: Networked thinking, networked actions

The VDMA (Verband Deutscher Maschinen- und Anlagenbau - German Mechanical Engineering Industry Association) is one of the key association service providers and offers the largest engineering industry network in Europe. The VDMA represents over 3,100 mainly small/medium-sized member companies in the capital goods industry, making it one of the largest and most important industrial associations in Europe. The VDMA covers the entire process chain - from individual components to full plants, from system suppliers through system integrators to service providers. We reflect the diverse customer-supplier relationships all along the value adding chain, permitting both industry-specific and intra-industry collaboration. Executives, directors, and specialists from the capital goods industry organize in the VDMA in order to collaborate in an efficiency- and future-oriented way.

Blue Competence: Sustainability demands responsibility

Comprehensive responsibility for economy, ecology and society is the backbone of the sustainability initiative Blue Competence. In this context, sustainability represents a balance and integration of economic, ecological and social objectives. Accordingly, the aim is responsibility in a wider sense, for instance for wealth, education and security, nature and the economic consequences of globalisation, structural changes or demographic trends. Blue Competence emphasises the problem-solving expertise of the mechanical engineering industry and actively promotes sustainable technologies.

ErfolgsKreis-GT: The district for success: We - the district Gütersloh

If you’re looking for a great place to live and work, look no further! The district for success Gütersloh is the home of 360,000 inhabitants living in 13 cities and municipalities and of 21,000 businesses. The Gütersloh district is the most populous district in the whole Ostwestfalen-Lippe (OWL) region and a great location for businesses thanks to its excellent infrastructure. Many brands originating in the district are renowned throughout the world.

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